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Violence against women and child

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1child - Violence against women and child Empty Violence against women and child Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:18 pm

Enrico Antonio

Arresto Menor

I learned about My wife commiting adultery so I filled adultery case against her and her paramour.My mistake was My witness is My older daugther who was in college that actually saw the man only once and later known that it was My youngest daugther who knows more about it but was reluctant beford but anyway the court didnt gave her a chance or hear her testimony My wife was acquited...But before that When I learned saw their pictures and their messages I confronted her and she was playing silent but she already admited to Me that they were having sex in the hotel and at the water station not using our bed so I slap her and push her hard with My palm that hit her lips.Now she filled a case against Me violence against women how can I defend Myself.Slight physical injury and if I lost the case what will be the penalties hoping for your good advice.

2child - Violence against women and child Empty Re: Violence against women and child Sun Nov 12, 2017 1:31 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Hire a lawyer as she seems to have a valid case against you.

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