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Nullity - Annulment Case

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1case - Nullity - Annulment Case Empty Nullity - Annulment Case Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:51 am


Arresto Menor

Hi. I hope you can enlighten me with regard to filing of a memorandum for annulment case. My mom's last trial was just a week ago.

I am doubting our attorney whether she's telling us the truth as we feel we have exhausted all our savings in paying her. We didn't have any contract signed, or breakdown of charges since 2015. We just kept on depositing her money. I regret that we didn't have any paper, acknowledgment receipt or any formal document of the transactions that we had. That's why I am starting to doubt her.

She's now collecting a big amount (on top of Php200k+ we have given her) for the drafting of Memorandum, printing and photocopying and mailing. She said the most judges in nullity cases do not require filing of Memorandum. I want to confirm if this is true? Because she said she did not include the charges for the drafting of Memorandum when she quoted me in year 2015.

Thank you very much

2case - Nullity - Annulment Case Empty Re: Nullity - Annulment Case Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:45 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

If you paid P200,000 two years ago that's like around P274 a day. Was this on top of other expenses? Because if it is not and it includes other costs, P200,000+ is not very much.

Filing fees cost around P6000+ for declarations of nullity
Publication costs range from P20,000-P60,000 depending on the paper
If summons were served via publication that is another P20,000-P60,000
The minimum fee for the psychiatrist is P50,000.
Judicial Affidavits range from P1500-P5000.
Appearance fees range from P2000-P10000 or even more if the lawyer is from out of town.
Photocopying costs P1 or more per page. How many pleadings were filed on your behalf anyway?
Whenever she prints a pleading on your behalf, she needs to print at least 6 copies all the time.
Court stenographic noted cost P10 per page. Certifications of court records also cost P10 per page.

So yeah, P200,000 might just be about right.

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