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Worked for 1.5 Months without contract in government

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Arresto Menor

I'm hired as a Contract of Service engineer, and i started even though i still dont have a contract because they say it is the norm here..

In the "department A" and 1 month during my employment, the Usec A talked to me and said that I can't work under his office because of my SURNAME and is related to my "Grandpa's Cousin" who held a high position in the office now was having cases filed against him, and I cant work in the office because it would have a possibility of "Leakage of information", considering that cases are filed already.

the usec A said that he would "recommend me" to other departments, but I cant work in his office now.

after two weeks, i started working for another department through the help of another Usec B. which i now have a contract.

1. Is the action done by Usec A, legal?
2. How can I still bill Usec A's office for my services considering that he is the key to my contract there?

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