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work and contract problems

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1contract - work and contract problems Empty work and contract problems Mon May 29, 2017 10:26 am


Arresto Menor

Good day. I want to ask about my partner's problem in Qatar. She had worked there for about 5 months as a General Cleaner and she was able to experience things that are not stated in her contract and now things are getting hard for her. Example of the things that are stated in her contract for working as a general cleaner but not followed are free water supply, insurance, health card, basic wage of 1,500 Qatar real (they're being paid for 1,200 Qatar real ), optional overtime ( they were forced to take overtimes ), sick leaves, clean and refurbished accommodations, deduction of wage is not base on their basic wage, and are force to work with different field of job without being paid for it. ( taking care of the children, cooking food for them, picking up the children after school ). And with that being done by their employer, it seems that the management had already committed a breach of contract. I want to ask if the agency that helped them to work in Qatar is also affected with the breach of contract and what can we do to help my partner?

2contract - work and contract problems Empty Re: work and contract problems Mon May 29, 2017 11:53 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Contact POEA or OWWA

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