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land ownership

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1LAND - land ownership Empty land ownership Wed May 03, 2017 10:43 pm

Arresto Menor

Good day! My aunt has a property which my grandmother left to her but unfortunately due to financial issues, my aunt is still not able to transfer the title of the land to her name. My grandma died 3 years ago. My aunt wants to sell this property and all her siblings have no objections about it and infact stated that they are willing to sign any documentation that is required in transferring the title of the land to the buyer's name. Can you please advise if this is possible. If so, what are the procedures? Thank you !
PS. I am the potential buyer. How possible is it to transfer the land to my name which is still under my deceased grandparent's name.

2LAND - land ownership Empty Re: land ownership Wed May 03, 2017 11:31 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

I don't know if there is any shortcut to this:
1. Establish who are owners by inheritance. (Extrajudical process).
2 The sibblings need to sign they waive their rights. (OR all sign the sell document and give the money to the aunt.)
3. Sign sell document.
4. Pay the taxes.
5. Give all the needed documents to Register of Deeds.
6. Inform the municipaly/barangay property tax office you are the new owmer.

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