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New member needing legal advise regardig land property

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saiheitei gennusoke

Arresto Menor

Good day! I am Francis from Iloilo, Philippines.

My family's concern goes this way.
My grandmother died 1989, has two children, my mother and my unmarried uncle who died 2014.
In 1984, according to my mom, my uncle sold part of my grandmother's property to MONARC-some sort of road dev. Org by the government.
He was given power of attorney as stated in the annotation title we are holding now and sold as stated in the same annotation-deed of sale. But how was he able to sell the property by signing it alone-without our grandmother's signature and my mom as joint since she has right to the title as well? The annotation indicated in type written form with lots of error and correction. Even worse the land area sold was around 10 thousand sq. Meter but for 8 thounsand pesos amount? Also, we notice that power of attorney was dated sept of 1984 @ 11:00 a.m and deed of sale falls the same day with a minute interval @ 11:01 am. Also, we did retrieve the a copy of the original title bearing the same annotation but in handwritting. Is their an anomaly? Do we have the rights to reclain the land area if possible? Because now, there is a road widennin project over the land area in question to be started soon in early 2017. Do we still have rights to the land area? We are still paying for the taxes as it is still included to our title and sketch plan. What right legal action can be done? How do we stand in this possibld claim? Hoping for your prompt response. THANK YOU.

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