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HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan..

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1loan - HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Empty HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:57 pm


Arresto Menor

hello po,hingi po sana ako ng legal advice about sa aking housing loan.umabot na po kc ng 30,000+ ang arrears ko.4,000 per month ang dapat bayaran,.ask ko lang ko po kung ma-forclosure na ba ito?isa po akog driver,wala po akong contribution sa pag-ibig pero yung wife ko lang po ang meron..salamat po ng marami..

2loan - HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Empty Re: HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:22 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

My Tagalog is bad.

Do you mean YOU want to Foreclose the property?
If Pag-Ibig hasn't Foreclosed the property, then you can try to SELL the property. The loan and unpaid depts need to be paid* before new owner can get the title, but that can be done DURING the sell process. (=The buyer pay that and deduct that from what's agreed to pay. Then you get the rest.)

*But if the buyer fullfil the Pag-Ibig demands, then he can borrow from them so much less need to be paid now.

3loan - HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Empty Re: HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:56 pm


Arresto Menor

no,sir..i mean,wala pa po kasi kami pangbayad ngayon.naghahanap pa po,eh yung pag-ibig meron silang collecting agency yun pong lawfirm.meron po bang rights yung lawfirm na mamilit kung meron o wala ka pang maibabayad?

4loan - HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Empty Re: HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:34 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

toda14 wrote:no,sir..i mean,wala pa po kasi kami pangbayad ngayon.naghahanap pa po,eh yung pag-ibig meron silang collecting agency yun pong lawfirm.meron po bang rights yung lawfirm na mamilit kung meron o wala ka pang maibabayad?
IF I understand you corect Smile

Well. Your property is a collateral for the loan you have.
If you can't/don't pay, the lender have right to Foreclose it to sell it to cover his costs. (Normaly it's sold at auction.)
I don't know, but IF it's fair and if it's sold for more than dept plus some other, then you have right to the left over if there is any.

IF that happen, you have right though to buy it back within a year for a price an institution decide, related to the unpaid dept, NOT depending of what it was sold for at auction.

5loan - HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Empty Re: HELP about Pag-Ibig Housing Loan.. Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:45 pm

antonio ekis

antonio ekis
Arresto Menor

If your arrears is 30k +, it means you are not paying your monthly amortization for almost 9 months. Ang pag ibig po ay magbibigay ng notice after 2 or 3 months na hindi ka naka pagbayad. Binabayaran po ang collectiong agency na maningil para sa pag ibig by any legal means. Kung meron ba silang rights na mamilit ka magbayad? Meron po kasi yun ang trabaho nila.

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