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Liability of a company for stolen items pls help

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Arresto Menor

Hi, i just wanted to ask, my phone recently got stolen inside my locker. I followed all the requirements of the company to provide a required size and type of padlock for my locker. but seems like someone manage to unlock it and when i checked all the pockets of my bag was open and my phone was missing, i immediately reported this. they required me to make a CCTV request form which i did on the same day. its been 3 weeks now but still no actions being taken by the company, the main problem is the LOCKER area has 1 CCTV and the ANGLE and PLACING of the CCTV is really bad so they could not determine who gained access to my locker. they are really strict about letting people access our office so i am sure that an employee also of the company is the one that stole it. Will the company be held responsible for it?

Also when we i registered to get the locker they have given me the rules and regulations of owning the locker. it stated on the agreement that "THE FACILITIES DEPARTMENT IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY LOST ITEMS IN THE LOCKER" is LOST also the same as STOLEN and would they still be non liable for it?

THanks and godbless


Reclusion Perpetua

rendnow04 wrote:Hi, i just wanted to ask, my phone recently got stolen inside my locker. I followed all the requirements of the company to provide a required size and type of padlock for my locker. but seems like someone manage to unlock it and when i checked all the pockets of my bag was open and my phone was missing, i immediately reported this. they required me to make a CCTV request form which i did on the same day. its been 3 weeks now but still no actions being taken by the company, the main problem is the LOCKER area has 1 CCTV and the ANGLE and PLACING of the CCTV is really bad so they could not determine who gained access to my locker. they are really strict about letting people access our office so i am sure that an employee also of the company is the one that stole it. Will the company be held responsible for it?

Also when we i registered to get the locker they have given me the rules and regulations of owning the locker. it stated on the agreement that "THE FACILITIES DEPARTMENT IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY LOST ITEMS IN THE LOCKER" is LOST also the same as STOLEN and would they still be non liable for it?

THanks and godbless

Assuming that the culprit is a co-employee, the Company has NO Liability to the loss of your things. It is encumbent upon you to use the necessary safety measures and based on your story, your padlock got opened. It is actually your fault for not using a 'good' padlock. Even your saying that you followed the company-mandated padlock, you are still at fault. It is assumed that you are still remiss.

If, however, the culprit is NOT an employee, the company may be liable as they have failed to use certain measures to monitor non-employees who have entered the premises of the company and did the act.

3contract - Liability of a company for stolen items pls help Empty Pilferage and Employee's Contract Copy Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:02 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, I just want to ask if I am liable to pay for the stolen items inside our supermarket? it is a pilferage, and to settle it according to my Manager I should pay for the stolen item? another I'm asking my copy of contract but according to our HR supervisor it is in Company's policy that they are not allowed to give any copy for their employee. I just want to know it is legal not give me a copy of my contract?

thank you in advance

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