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Rights Of Only Child To The Property Of His Parents

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Arresto Menor

Good Day! I was just asked by my male friend who is concerned dramatically because of the situation he is involved in hence, I searched online several blogs or anything that I can get LEGAL answers to at least, help him. So, this is the problem that really needs LEGAL ADVICE from LEGAL AUTHORITIES:

Let us just call him Mordeo. He was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz (changed it for some confidential purposes). His mother and father were married last December 2009. By this time, Mordeo was now 16 years old. His parents' [whole] property were originally was from the grandmother of Mordeo. But now, I know its conjugal because of the marriage (according to the law). And for the time they were married until Mordeo's mother died, they had established for almost, I think, less than 20 apartments (or boarding houses). Now, Mordeo's father was claiming all of the property even it is not his originally even before Mordeo's father was married to his mother. But his arguments were it was now conjugal according to the law. The apartments is producing an income of almost Php 80,000.00 ( I don't know the exact amount), and all of it was claimed by his father. Moreover, his father was now thinking to sell all of the property. Does my friend Mordeo has the right to claim shares of property even he is 16 years old only? What can he do to have the property back as it was originally from the side of his mother even they were married? And what will be the division of shares of property if Mordeo's father will married another person? And by the way, his father possess a hundred sq. m. only of land before they were married, can Mordeo claim it also?

All of the answers will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much! I know this post is not very detailed but you can ask me to clarify some points that are excluded from the post. Also, you can g-mail me for some LEGAL HELP, ADVICES, and ANSWERS related to my questions to help my friend at cchasler2 (just include the thing because the post cant be sent as this account is just newly created and according to the policy of the site, URLs can be posted after 7 days the account was created.)

Again, thank you so much!

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