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Arresto Menor

I would like to ask:
1. if cash bonds should be stated in the contract. Because noone in the management of the company explained to me about the cash bond since this is my first job.

2. allowance and salary can be based from your personality during the interview before you got employed?

3. what should we do about the 1 year unpaid contributions of employees by the employer?



Reclusion Temporal

complain the unpaid contributions to the government entity concerned, SSS, Philhealth, Pag-ibig


Reclusion Perpetua

meiji wrote:2. allowance and salary can be based from your personality during the interview before you got employed?
As long as the offer is at least the minimum, the employer can offer anything,
Then it's up to the worker if agree, skip or try to negotiate.

After a new worker have shown how good he work, a contracts can be renegotiated IF BOTH parts agree. A clever employer want to keep GOOD workers satisfied, but some employers aren't clever... Shocked Laughing

((Back before I started own business, I agreed to low start salaries to get CHANCE to show how good I work.
At my first employment I started at average and got the salary raised to a bit over the double in 3 years.
The second employer was bad, so close before I quit I did show him how good I COULD have worked Laughing
The third asked if I could agree to low salary because I had no experience of such business. I said I agree to LOWER than that Smile 2 years later I had got my salary more than doubled, so i stayed there until I started own business.))
So it's possible to negotiate at least if the business is small enough to the negotiations are made with the top boss or owner so they realy bother how good the workers get things done. The clever ones agree to raise your salary IF you work obviously better than expected for your salary...


Reclusion Perpetua

1. It should be stated. There is no presumption that cash bonds are included in an employment contract under any related law. Is it stated in your contract? Did you sign the contract with a statement that you have read and understood all the terms therein?

2. Your employer is free to offer you a salary based on company standards. The salary is often negotiable during the interview (sparingly done by a prospective employee, lalo na kung baguhan pa lang), with standards of performances being set in order to have quantifiable goals for the prospective employee.

3. File notices upon your employer to have your contributions fixed, especially if you have evidence that the employer is guilty of being negligent in forwarding the said contributions. If there is inaction, you may complain directly to the respective government agencies OR seek initial advice from the Regional DOLE.

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