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If i dont want to marry my pregnant ex girlfriend but just wanted to support the child...

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Arresto Menor

What are the possible action to be safe on my side for them not to push me to limit that i cant provide money more that what is needed?

Is it possible that I may be got in prison if I dont want to marry my pregnant Ex GF? If yes what are the cases that can be filed against me.

As of now my ex gf is pregnant for 8months but the time we meet and have something this year was last august 2nd week and he texted me that she is delayed for 4weeks so i means 1 month pregnant, that time her mother doesn't know yet that she is pregnant until Nov 1st week and now she is 8 month pregnant hoes that possible? Unless the child is not mine.. Please give me advise good or not I'll take all those..
But whether the child is mine or not I dont want to marry her we don't love each other anymore and I don't want to have a rush decision again like what we did.


Reclusion Perpetua

(Asuming none of you are married.)
It's not illegal to refuse to marry her,
but some risk you will be killed by her family Smile (Few families do.)

But it can BECOME a prison reason if not pay MUCH in child support. It's a suggestion in the parlament now, the MINIMUM suggested is 30 000p for 6 months !!! That parlament person don't seem to understand most Filipinos don't earn enough to pay such amount...

Concerning you don't know who is father:
1. Blood tests can sometimes tell it's NOT possible it's THAT father, because some blood rtpes at child are possible depending of who are parents.
2. DNA can tell EXACT who is father (except when the father have a one egg twin). DNA test cost much.
But the nature have OFTEN but not allways* "solved" this by many babies look extra much as the fasther the first months. I suppouse it's like that to convince the fathers before there were tests.

*It depend of if the significant look is a dominant or a same chance gene. Some type of genes have no chance to be shown. (The child get one gene from each parent, but one of them is shown.)

I Filipina friend of mine have got a baby recently. The baby look funny very much as the father Smile (=The baby have got the significant parts of the father's look,)


Arresto Menor

Well that's not a problem if my time of death comes okay I just don't to marry her she deserve better, I don't want to give her a miserable life because i dont love her anymore


Arresto Menor

BTW thank you for your reply sir..futher questions..what are the right action for me not to become their "ATM machine" just because I need to support the child..?what I mean i just wanted to give what is enough support for the i dont want to marry my Ex.


Arresto Menor

Hi again thank you! What are the that covers this kind of situation ? Like the supports on child ? I just wanted to be cleared out on this one so I will be not just give away money to much..though i really wanted to become a good father for my future baby assuming the baby is mine


Reclusion Perpetua

Well. I don't know how much is a fair child support.  It's suppoused to be to the CHILD, not to the family.

It's some depending of what living standard the FAMILY have, and later what education you give the child. Education can cost very different from litle to very much.
Some EXTRA around and some after the birth,  because medical costs for the mother and she CAN'T work THAT period. But if she will go to work later, she will need child care, so it's fair to pay some for that too undepending of she do that herself or not.

Concerning education: If you want to give an expensive education, you can pay the big parts DIRECT to school, to avoid the risk the money will be used to something else.

BUT if the child get much more and the family is very poor, then it's risk people around it will be jelous and not treat it any good.

To MEET the child, you will perhaps need to offer some extra to get chance to do that. And you can get easier chance to meet, if you go there and hand over the child support at SAME time as you meet the child regularly Smile

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