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warrant of arrest......

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1arrest - warrant of arrest...... Empty warrant of arrest...... Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:20 pm


Arresto Menor

gud pm,atty.i have a case ra9165 it was started last bailed thru surety the bond company as wat ive known got closed na po...last ko pong bayad staggard pa was last 2005.and then,by 2008 the case was announced by the judge na temporary dismissal for 2 yirs and no appearance after 2 yirs it will be announced as totally dismissed cuz of not attending several times of the arresting police.however in a long run,was revived by the arresting police on the next year.yet,atty,still no appearance of the arresting officer so the judge always made a resetting schedule.until such time,this last nov19 of hearing nobody attended from the accused (I and my et al).so after then,judge issued a warrant for et al is already in abroad.pls help me for this atty...will the surety company still hunt after me?how many months till the warrant get expired?will the officer assigned by the warrant go after me in here in other town....?pls i need ur advice.pls po atty,ha?

2arrest - warrant of arrest...... Empty Re: warrant of arrest...... Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:07 pm



warrants of arrest do not expire unless recalled by the court. your best move is to check the status of the case in the court. that way you'll find out if a warrant was actually issued.

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