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apologies to all concerned, i am so busy to answer your questions

3 posters

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Reclusion Perpetua

This is for those who are sending me PM,
some of them, i already read, some of them still unopened,but all are unanswered.
It just happened, that my project suddenly became urgent, and i need to stay late .
I am able to log here, about 10PM or so these days..

I will try to come back ASAP.

Sorry and good luck...
Marami pa rin namang matiyagang tumutulong dito,

see you later, alligator,



Arresto Menor

Sir landowner12 pls help me po.

3LAND - apologies to all concerned, i am so busy to answer your questions Empty sir land owner12 PLEASE HELP ME PO Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:07 pm


Arresto Menor

Sir land owner12 pls help me po.


Arresto Menor

Kindly pls anwer my simple queation...death treath

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