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Need advice regarding employment cashbond, employment contract, and mandatory contributions

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Arresto Menor

Here's the story. I started work on April 3, 2014. I was hired around a week before that. When I signed the contract, the HR contact said that I will get a copy of my contract when the Manager signs it.
I frequently check the SSS website just to check my eligibility for a salary loan. But upon checking the website, the last contribution posted was still from my previous employer last march.
I was terminated from work due to attendance issues last June 23, 2014.
Here are my questions,
1. I remembered that there was a 1-year bond in the contract. Am I liable to pay that bond since
   a. I never got a copy of the contract.
   b. I was terminated and did not resign (because i remember these bonds are more applicable if you resign or went AWOL. I am not sure because I don't have a copy of my contract)

2. What do I do regarding not getting a copy of that contract.

3. What do I do regarding the missing contributions. (April-June)

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