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Arresto Menor

Greetings to all!

May I ask for your legal advice regarding my current problem regarding a leased parcel of land. It started when 2 of my co-worker invited me to start s small business, a small eatery with billiard table. One of them, has a sister who has a vacant lot so we decided to put up small building there so we start our planned business.

In short, we finished putting our business. Among us, i have the biggest expenses which initially we all agreed that we will divide equally the expenses once the business started.

The business wasn't that good as expected, one of my co-worker who is the sister of the owner of the land back-out and said it will be better if only 2 of us will share and she ask for a refund of her expenses on the building that we built.

I dont know my rights even that time, i dont know what should I do. For me, just to be fair with her, i gave her money and two of us continue. We are paying rent for the lot monthly.

Unfortunately, in some reason me and my partner have to move in other place due to work instances so we have to leave the the business to someone. Since I am the one who have the biggest share, I entrusted it to my parents, however my parents ask me if I can ask my partner if I can pay his part on the business since both of us will be leaving and can't attend the business. He agreed and my parents paid for his part. Now my parents are the one handling the small business and paying the rent of the lot monthly.

Now for the assurance of having the business we ask for a contract that we can stay for 5 years, so it was given to us a contract for 5 years and can be extended.

Now, the owner of the lot wants to get back the land, she wants us to move and remove the building that was built on the land without paying for any damages. Her other option is that, if we finished the contract, after that we will leave without taking what we can from the part of building itself except from all the movable materials so in short the building that we spent so much money she wants to be retain there without paying anything.

With regards on this, do we have the right to demand for the indemnity? what are the things that we should do? kindly advise us. Thank you so much.

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