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Requesting for a copy of employment contract

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Arresto Menor

I requested for a copy of my contract because my personal copy is in the possession of my ex-husband and we are not in speaking terms at the moment. I was only given a partial copy, just the Job Offer and the contract for probationary employees. They did not furnish me a copy of the confidentiality/non-compete clause. Below is the message I received from our HR officer.

"We received a new directive earlier today regarding furnishing copies of contracts. HR is only allowed to let employees view the company-copy of their employment contract, as it is the employees’ responsibility to take care of their personal copy. However, understanding the predicament that you’re in, Kriska allowed your contract to be scanned as a “one-off”. The contract in your 201 file is the employer's copy. PSG has sole discretion whether to furnish you a copy or not, since a copy was handed to you upon contract signing. "

Is this legal?



Reclusion Perpetua

Yes it is legal.
You can not compel them to re-issue one and after one and so on.

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