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Employment Bond

HR Adviser
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1employment - Employment Bond Empty Employment Bond Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:01 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, I'm in a dilemma right now with my 3-year cash-training bond with a company. I signed it and I am already on my second year.

I'm already thinking of resigning because of lack of skill growth, the working environment and not having a competitive salary. I'm getting really inactive already, getting lates, memos, awols and stuff and I just really want to get out of here. I'm not happy anymore to make it short. I don't care if they don't give me my back pay anymore and I might as well get terminated if they do not accept my resignation as I am still bonded.

I don't know the actual cost of the training because they did not show us any receipts. It was a ONE MONTH IN-HOUSE TRAINING for a THREE-YEAR bond that costs P300,000.00 if we are not able to finish the bond, and as far as I know, it is not pro rated. The training instructors were just employees of the company. They said we'll be having the "certificate" after the bond. We also had a TESDA exam after the training and that also seem suspicious.

My question is, will the company sue me for resigning and not paying that said amount? Because we don't have that much. And isn't that amount questionable because they only choose "not-certified" employees that will be the training instructor? And also, 300K worth for one month training? Because seriously, I can learn better than that from a high-end school without paying that much.

Please do not tell me to just wait for the remaining one point something years because I'm already 99% sure that I will resign and I feel I've already done my part here so I'm asking help from you guys. Both parties don't benefit each other anymore.

Thank you very much to all took time to read and answer!

And may I quote this letter from someone I saw from a web site:

"A career should not feel like a tedious task nor an obligation. Your career should be something that you like doing because it is part of your being.

People's minds change, and along the way, we learn of things that make us happy, or unhappy. Corporations are big, but we are not and should not be corporate slaves. After all, a corporation is made up of people who live and breathe; people who have aspirations and dreams. If a person is not living his dream, it is not just for a company to impose something that will hinder that person from achieving his dream. A big corporation can rely on manpower, while a single person can rely only on himself.

Labor malpractice is common nowadays, and it is hard to eliminate. In the end, this is my life and I'm proud to say I used my right. I hope people will use theirs, too, in order to be happy. Overcoming fear to achieve happiness is a dangerous thing to do, but it is the only way."

2employment - Employment Bond Empty Re: Employment Bond Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:35 pm

HR Adviser

Reclusion Perpetua

You can resign. Just have a 30-days notice. They can't claim the bond from you directly. They have to file it court. The court on the other hand may approve or lessen the amount.

3employment - Employment Bond Empty Re: Employment Bond Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:24 am


Reclusion Perpetua

next time before you sign.. think it over and over again..

4employment - Employment Bond Empty Re: Employment Bond Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:06 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Patok is correct.

Just a reminder that employment bond contract are ONE SIDE CONTRACT to protect a party only.
this is being practiced by companies who are NOT A GREAT WORKPLACE but because they can not operate without manpower what they did is to make a contract that you can not go anytime you want and you will need to pay in return of your freedom. Ridiculous practices that DOLE should review this conditions.

5employment - Employment Bond Empty Re: Employment Bond Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:36 pm


Arresto Menor

Yes, I know what I did. I was too hasty that time I didn't think of other factors and I thought three years was only for a short time. Well things have changed now. What you want before may not be what you want now. Thanks for the comments!

I want to have a clean exit as much as I want to go. So if resignation makes me pay the bond, which I cannot pay in short time, I am considering other steps like requesting for waiving my bond. Is that possible? Can you help me make a letter to waive the bond? Because I really need to leave while I am still young or it is too late for me to pursue my dream. Thank you.

6employment - Employment Bond Empty Re: Employment Bond Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:21 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

You can not request your company to waive it.
Only you will resign and let them file it in court before they can claim money from you.
It takes time for litigation, or you may ask for settlement by paying it hulogan kamo.
Khit mangungutang nga hindi nakukulong dahil our constitutions says, NO ONE SHALL BE PUT IN BARS BECAUSE OF NON PAYMENT OF DEBT AND POLL TAXES.

7employment - Employment Bond Empty Re: Employment Bond Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:42 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

OTOH, no harm in asking the employer to waive it. Wala namang mawawala sa pagtatanong.

Pero bihira mangyari yun, and you have to provide a very good reason for it.

8employment - Employment Bond Empty Re: Employment Bond Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:31 am


Arresto Menor


I am working in a manpower agency and our employees are deployed in Supermarkets, Groceries (Merchandisers), Departments Stores (Sales Executives) and Appliance Centres (Sales Promo).

Basically, there are losses from stocks either caused by connivance and/or shoplifted and these are converted in to cash. These cases were deducted to our billings collection.

The mere fact, this had been happening for all manpower agencies. Is there a way that we can have a signed agreement with the employees stating that they agree to deduct CASH BOND?

This will and only will be charged to them after the thorough parallel investigation by the agency and the client.

I am hoping I could take some advice.

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