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Employment Contract - with cash bond and 1 year tenure

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Arresto Menor


Last edited by bobongpinoy on Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total

HR Adviser

Reclusion Perpetua

1. What is your position?

2. Bonds needs to be petitioned in court before the company can claim from you. The court may grant higher or lower amount

3. The company might not give you COE or the company might disclosed that you have gone AWOL if your future company will conduct background check


Arresto Menor


Last edited by bobongpinoy on Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total

HR Adviser

Reclusion Perpetua


If I were you, just finish your contract to make your life easier. Not because you don't like it anymore means you should resign. Although your company's contract is do not adhere to the labor code, filing for money claims and contesting your contract would be a long process.

And since you are in a supervisory position, most likely you would be applying for similar position. Usually, for supervisory position, HR do conduct background checking. If your previous company wont give positive feedback, I doubt if you would make it.


Arresto Menor

On what part of the contract do not adhere the labor code? How long is the process of contesting the contract? Any long term effect of this process on my future work?

I wanted to resign because a much better opportunity has come.
I do not want to miss this new opportunity just because I am bound on this company for something that do not provide any professional growth.

HR Adviser

Reclusion Perpetua

The bond itself. Usually, it takes months if both parties is ok with the decision of LA. If not, it takes years.

Long-term: since you are in a supervisory position, most likely you would be applying for similar position. Usually, for supervisory position, HR do conduct background checking. If your previous company wont give positive feedback, I doubt if you would make it.

Also, supervisory position usually requires COE. COE is something you cannot compel the company to give. This might give you problem in the future.

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