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Bond Contract2

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1bond - Bond Contract2 Empty Bond Contract2 Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:00 am


Arresto Menor

I'm planning to apply for work in a BPO, however, I'm very reluctant to sign a training bond that they impost for new employees. Pero ang tanong ko ay ano ba ang mga legal loop holes ang puede gamitin para makawala sa training bond? It's not naman na may balak akong i-enrich ang sarili ko, it's just that maari sa kalagitnaan ay din na di ko na kaya yun trabajo o kaya namn due to health conditions ay kailanganin kong mag resign o kaya naman ay ang trabajo ay di na condusive para mag patuloy pang mag-work.

2bond - Bond Contract2 Empty Re: Bond Contract2 Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:38 pm



here are some previous threads:

you should be aware of the risk if you do not complete the period. while bpos have not been actively filing cases to claim the bond, they have been using this to refuse payment of last pay and issuance of clearance.

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