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Warrant of Arrest issued

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1warrant - Warrant of Arrest issued Empty Warrant of Arrest issued Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:13 am


Arresto Menor

Hi i was the president of my ex husbands company. We separated in 2009 thus i also left my position as president. the company had an issue with the BIR which i thought had been sorted out.

The current President paid the BIR under the table but supposedly paid it to the wrong person.

I had the police arrive at my door step last friday with an arrest warrant in my name. we went to my exhusbands place and he arranged with the p;olice not to arrest me.

The arrest warrant had bail amount on it for 4k.

I have now been told by my ex husband that i should go tomorrow with his office staff to pay the bail. the police have told me this could cause an issue yet surrending myself is a good plus point.

Im concerned that i will be arrested when i go to take care of the bail amount.

Can anyone help me please as im confused as what will happen tomorrow at the city hall.

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