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Purpose of civil case?

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1civil - Purpose of civil case? Empty Purpose of civil case? Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:27 pm


Arresto Mayor

if for example i sued somebody for a civil case of art.26 & he/she was found guilty, but has they no money to pay for the damages that the court ordered; i know it has no jail sentence?

so whats the use of bringing them to court if it would be basically useless and i would just spend money for a lawyer and i don't get anything out of my complaint.

please enlighten me on this. thank u.

2civil - Purpose of civil case? Empty Re: Purpose of civil case? Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:56 pm



for others, it may be just for the satisfaction that they did something through a legal process rather than nothing.

3civil - Purpose of civil case? Empty Re: Purpose of civil case? Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:45 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi po.

Can you please enlighten me on what civil case can be filed for non-payment of debt? And how it works?

My loan is 50k, my remaining balance is now 30k, since I lost my job was not able to continue the payment. I know the amount is not that big but I just got hired recently and my grandmother is very sick. I have suppressed bills and my pay goes directly for food and grandmother's medication. Naputulan na rin kami ng kuryente.

I am very worried and I fear to have a case filed against me. I don't have any money to spare.

I am in Cebu while my family stays in Negros. The other day, I was able to speak with my younger brother and was told they have received letter advsing for payments. Concern ako kasi September pa nka date yung letter and its already past November. Sabi, if payment is not made, case will be filed in my province.

I'm willing to pay. I need time lang talaga. Kung uunahin ko sila, paano na ang mga gamot at eskewla ng kapatid ko.
Aside sa office nagtututor din ako to earn extra. Hindi ko alam paano mapagkakasya lahat, oras at sahud. Wala ako sa Negros and my work is in Cebu.

What case can they file against me?
Will I go to jail?
And how can I get help?

Please respond to my query. Please help me may kapatid at lola pa akong nag hihintay sa akin.

Thank you po.

4civil - Purpose of civil case? Empty Re: Purpose of civil case? Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:11 pm



the most likely is that they will file a small claims case against you. rules on

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