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Resignation declined due to bond

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1bond - Resignation declined due to bond Empty Resignation declined due to bond Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:45 pm


Arresto Menor

God Day! I just like to ask regarding my contract. I'm a newly grad when I had my first job wherein I signed a contact which never explained to us. and as it was my first job so I'm too earger about it. But the contract is everything in favored for the company. we don't have benefits. and even we go to office on saturdays and sundays it is still no pay and we don't have over time pay. and no night differentials. and due to few number of employees. lots of work loads were assigned to us. and now I'm passing a resignation and they just declined it. because of the two year bond they were telling. Sad and btw the date on my contract is also wrong (ex. june -- 2011 to january -- 2011) so the end date is lesses than the start date Sad Please help me. thank you.

2bond - Resignation declined due to bond Empty Re: Resignation declined due to bond Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:39 pm


Arresto Menor

and addition to that. were on a compressed work shceme so 10 hours a day kami sa office. and if more than 48 hours yung pasok a week yun lang dapat ang walang ot pay diba? if extended na dun dapat meron na? ang dami din kasi flaws sa company namin kaya I really want to resign na Sad btw yung vcation and sick leave ilan dapat? kasi samen 5 SL and 5 VL lang.

3bond - Resignation declined due to bond Empty Re: Resignation declined due to bond Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:22 am



as for employment bonds, search "bonds" in the forum for previous discussions.

if the dole approved the compressed work week, then you are not eligible for OT. law requires only 5 days leave.

4bond - Resignation declined due to bond Empty Re: Resignation declined due to bond Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:01 am


Arresto Menor

Thank you Atty. How about the wrong date on my contract? is it valid reason to void or nullify the contract?

5bond - Resignation declined due to bond Empty Re: Resignation declined due to bond Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:31 am



if you exceeded the 2 years regardless of the date, then it's not an issue. but by itself, it does not render the contract void

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