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Does money claims/civil liability have prescription?

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Arresto Menor

My mom just recently won an Estafa case wherein the judge ruled that my mom is not guilty and that the corporation who filed the suit against her is the one who has a liability to my mother resulting from unpaid commissions and overpayment of amount due. The case lasted for 12 years and now that the judge ruled in our favor, we would like to file a damages claim against the corporation and demand for payment of my mom's commission and overpayament, with interest, as well as moral damages. Our problem now is that we don't have the money to file the lawsuit as all our resources have been depleted fighting the Estafa case. The Estafa case was decided on April 30, 2012. Is there like a deadline for us to file a Moral damages claim against the Corporation? Also, Does the Demand for payment of commission and return of my mom's overpayment have to filed as a separate lawsuit? I appreciate your help.

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