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1civil - CIVIL CASE Empty CIVIL CASE Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:44 am

Mr. Blue

Arresto Menor


I hope you can assist us on our below personal issues.

i am an OFW living with my family outside the philippines. One day my brother in law use my car in the philippines without our consent and he got a serious accident resulting to death of the other parties. They file a criminal and civil case to my brother in law and being the owner of the car they also sued us for civil case in which they are asking for huge amount of money. Are we really involve in this case since we are not in the philippines when the incident happened and assuming we lose in these case and we dont have the money to pay, can the court freeze or attached our assets or property. Assuming we have small savings in the bank, can they asked for it?

Thanks in advance.

Mr. Blue

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