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AWOL and Last Pay issue

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1AWOL and Last Pay issue Empty AWOL and Last Pay issue Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:29 pm


Arresto Menor


Im asking in behalf of my employer, a few months back, an officemate submitted his resignation. unfortunately, on his last 30days work, he applied for 1 week vacation leave, but didnt report back to office after the leave.

After the company assigned a temporary replacement for the task left behind, the guy came back to do turn over, but that was about a month after the supposed leave. My employer consider him AWOL and would not sign his clearance.

The guy demanded the company to release his last pay and stated that DOLE said all monetary entitlement should be release to every resigned employee.

does the employer has the right to withhold releasing the last pay? or can the employer delay release of last pay?

2AWOL and Last Pay issue Empty Re: AWOL and Last Pay issue Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:58 pm



he is entitled to be paid for days actually worked, and employer is entitled to damages if employee did not render 30 day notice. but employer cannot unilaterally decide not to pay.

3AWOL and Last Pay issue Empty Re: AWOL and Last Pay issue Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:55 pm


Arresto Menor

attyLLL wrote:he is entitled to be paid for days actually worked

Does the company has the right to delay the release? if so, for how long maximum?

4AWOL and Last Pay issue Empty Re: AWOL and Last Pay issue Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:20 pm



you can wait for him to finish his final clearance

5AWOL and Last Pay issue Empty Re: AWOL and Last Pay issue Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:03 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi! I wanted to ask if I can still be cleared or can I still get my backpay even if I was tagged AWOL by my former company? I had a miscarriage by that time but they still sent letters for me to report to work. But then after a few months I was able to return my ID and proximity card so for them to process my clearance. When I followed up. tthe HR told me that my manager hasnt signed my clearance yet (to think I dont have any pending deliverables). I need your advise on this. Thanks!

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