What happened was this:
I worked for them for 1 year. Last July, I was suspended from work because of fraud on payroll. I have been an accessory to manipulating overtime records for myself done by my immediate supervisor. My team leader per se, convinced me to permit him credit to my timekeeping legit overtime's since May for the justification that the other call center representatives be able to get their salary disputes right away through my falsified overtime records. Needless to say I allowed this to happen since I had trusted my Team leader that I was doing it for the benefit of the team. Now, payroll was able to see the discrepancies because the overtime's are way too exaggerated that if you count the no. of hours it will even be way beyond the calendar working hours allowed making it impossible to have done such overtime's. Now, I am caught in a bad place wherein I was totally not guilty of getting the money even if it was mediated through my atm. I was giving whatever in exceed of my pay to my team lead because again , those were the overtime's that are for the salary disputes of the agents.
Please let me know if my employer has the chance of really pursuing a theft/fraud case against me given the amount of money they claim that was stolen from them.
What are the possible things that can happen to me so I can prepare and think of what can still be done to avoid a wreck on my name as well
Many thanks,