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Geographical restriction and sole custody Texas

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Arresto Menor

Geographical restriction and sole custody Texas



To try and make a long story short. My ex and I have two children together. Ages 2 and 4. He stalks me, harrases me, my friends, family, co workers, and so forth. My children have been kicked out of their christian daycare because he made the staff feel threatened. He has hit me when we were together. He has threatened to hurt and kill me and has threatened my family members. He and I agreed on joint custody of our two kids back in 2007. I should have never done that however, at the time I thought that it was best for our kids to have both their parents in their lifes, and that their father's and I's relationship has nothing to do with them. Their father has went against everything in the court order we have. I mean everything.. Not to metion he has illegally claimed both kids on his taxes. He has followed me to work over the last two years and had me fired from at least 7 jobs. While I attened school he showed up there too.. I do not have the money to go to court. I was working in the Medical field for sometime now however, I was getting help with childcare from a program here in Texas. Now that I do not have a job I lost both my childcare and my car and we are living with and off of my grandparents who can not afford it. He pays child support whenever he wants and makes between 25 and 45 dollars an hour, depending on the time of year. He is only required to pay 185.00 a month total because at the time of paper work, he was not working. He is also self employed. He tells my kids that I do not love them, and that I am a slut and a *****. I am scared that he is going to kill me one day.. I know that sounds over the top but that is truly how I feel. If not that he will take my kids and run. Recently I he was working out of town for a month or so and I asked him if we could agree to a modification for our arrangement he said no and I told him I am sorry but we will be going back to court then. I had been offered a job elsewhere and I could get childcare at a very good rate. Like $85 a month!! That is unheard of. Anyways he wasn't even seeing the kids when he was gone.. He drove back to the city we live in and had his step mother who is a well known lawyer (whom he has punched twice in the face and she made a report about it with a witness) serve me with papers. We went to court and he lied saying I was running off with my kids against court order. (I have a geographical restriction stating I can not remove my kids from Bexar County.) After 5 mins of hearing partial sides of the story the judge simply said there is more to the story, schedule a longer hearing. Needless to say I had a temp. order to not leave for any reason from our city until the case was over.. Their father never filed for us to go back to court. Thats when he took the kids and I's money from our tax return. This way I could not afford to get into court.. What can I do? If I do leave to make money is it kidnapping? What can happen??

Anyone work probono?? I need help!

He recently threaten to "knock the **** out of me next time he saw me"! Which is when we do pick ups and drop offs for our kids. He also stated that he will not let me leave with our kids no matter what and he garaunted it. I asked him " and if a judge says we can??!!" He repeated himself.. Sense then I have not let him see or talk with our kids. I am scared he may hurt me or take the kids and run... It has been over a month and he is getting angry... This is when he does his dirty work...

Help please!

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