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13th month pay..still not released..

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113th month pay..still not released.. Empty 13th month pay..still not released.. Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:08 pm


Arresto Menor

hi there.

been working at a call center here in visayas for 2 years and i do have some questions about my 13th month pay..

here's my story..

i was absent for 2 days (december 3rd and 4th). i called our office on december 3rd to tell them that i'm going to be absent because of toothache. i came back to work december 5th, also the day our 13th month pay be released. my co-workers got their's but i didn't. i found out our manager sent an email to our HR office to hold my 13th month pay for being absent just for 2 days (on the same day that our 13th month pay will be released). i talked to my immediate supervisor about it the next day. my supervisor sent an email to release my 13th month. my supervisor received an email from HR and told me that i'm going to get it and will be included on my december 15th pay. december 15th came and still no 13th month pay. my supervisor went to HR and talked to them about it. HR (again) said that it will be released together with my december 30th salary. the PROBLEM is that i'm leaving the company effective today. i submitted my resignation letter last month for a 30-day notice. they said that it will be released as my backpay together with my december 30th salary...?

I DON'T THINK IT'S RIGHT. they were fast (just took them maybe just few hours) in putting my 13th month pay on hold but it's been more that 10 days now since they told me that i'm going to get it. i got my november 30th and december 15th salary but not my 13th month? in the first place, i don't think it's a valid reason for them to put a hold on may 13th month for being absent just for 2 days. please help me sir. what should i do?

213th month pay..still not released.. Empty Re: 13th month pay..still not released.. Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:59 pm



the law requires the 13th month pay to be released before the 24th. i recommend you send a letter or email which asks that they release it before that date.

if you're forced to take legal action, you have to file a money claim at nlrc.

313th month pay..still not released.. Empty Re: 13th month pay..still not released.. Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:08 pm


Arresto Menor

thank you so much, sir...God Bless!!!

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