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Breach of confidentiality, libel

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1Breach of confidentiality, libel Empty Breach of confidentiality, libel Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:21 pm


Arresto Menor

good day! i just want to know kung applicable ba ang breach of confidentiality and libel sa case na ganito:

BBB, a parent sent a letter to XXX school asking why old teachers left the school. BBB stated that she want old teachers to be back because the old teachers have better qualifications and teaching practices than the new ones.

AAA, ceo and president of the school, in light of the said letter, issued a memorandum which was posted on a bulletin board inside the campus revealing reasons for separation of former teachers of the school. AAA, also blatantly exposed and exaggerated issues regarding the former employees, and administrative matters regarding their resignation without the consent of the former employees.

QUESTION: Is there any breach of confidentiality? Is there any libelous act done by AAA by writing said memo?
If there is none, what should I do?

I hope you answer immediately. Smile thanks

2Breach of confidentiality, libel Empty Re: Breach of confidentiality, libel Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:47 pm


Arresto Menor

Good eve,

I was working on weno chuuk Island as Mechanical Engineer, and I signed for two years contract there, I accept the terms on the contract and expecting to be fair. And after almost a year i was requesting for a vacation leave, for family problem purposes in my expense ofcourse because it was not include on the contract, but i expect that i will receive my annual paid leave on that time, and i request to issue it early so that i can use it in my expenses during my vacation.but to my surprise, only on that time they inform me that i dont have annual paid leave anymore, they said that theres no annual paid leave on my contract.but when i show my contract that im holding for almost a year they said that is not the real contract its FAKE!!!
I talk to the office to please review my contract and im hoping that i could receive it even im in philippines....I was so deppressed even my passport and ticket was washed on the washing machine, and my problem was added again...but thanks to God i still got home...When i was spending my vacation I still follow up my annual leave pay so that it could help on my expenses especially i need to renew my passport and visa...but they still insist that theres no annual paid I decided to file a resignation...and when it was done my batch and some of my co workers there also filing a Iv'e heard that they will file a breach of contract to me so that i will be ban to go in other company....Is there anyway that they can do that? and do i have a chance to claim my rights?
I hope you can send me an early advice...Thanks and God Bless...

3Breach of confidentiality, libel Empty Re: Breach of confidentiality, libel Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:55 am



bryan, please quote the memorandum without mentioning names.

vindx, was this through an agency here?

4Breach of confidentiality, libel Empty Re: Breach of confidentiality, libel Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:33 am


Arresto Menor

Good Morning sir,

Yes sir, it is trough agency, and when i came here and go to the agency i came from at first they wanna help me, but when i came back, the story change, they dont want me to see the contract they holding and they just telling or asking me if i will come back there, i said to them how i can come back there if the situation is like this, i cant work efficiently if they dont play fair...
They just tell me to resign formally so thats what i do....I resign last Oct 21, and hoping to forget and move on...
but the problem is Iv'e heard they will put up a case for me, so that the employees will be afraid to follow my steps..coz i have batch also there with the same case, thats why they also like to resign and go home, but they cant...coz of this problem....

Thank you sir for the immediate reply...

5Breach of confidentiality, libel Empty Re: Breach of confidentiality, libel Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:29 pm



you can't prevent them from filing an admin case at poea, but you will be given an opportunity to air your side

6Breach of confidentiality, libel Empty Re: Breach of confidentiality, libel Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:28 pm


Arresto Menor

so meaning sir, i need to go POEA and ask for advices....
follow up question is it possible that they can ban me on applying on other company or country?

7Breach of confidentiality, libel Empty Re: Breach of confidentiality, libel Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:15 am


Arresto Menor

atty, if you want i can send you a copy of the memo. i'll just remove the names. please pm me your email. thanks.

8Breach of confidentiality, libel Empty Re: Breach of confidentiality, libel Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:13 pm



vindx, only if they can prove one of the grounds.

bryan, just pm it to me.

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