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Regularized but denied for salary increase

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1Regularized but denied for salary increase Empty Regularized but denied for salary increase Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:09 pm


Arresto Menor


Good day. I am working here in The Results Companies for 9 months now as a Corporate IT. I started working here on January 10, 2011 and got regularized after 6 months but I was denied of having a salary increase because our HR said that time that the company will have a new scheme and anyway as soon as the new scheme gets approved they said that it will be retro paid to me. Unfortunately the new scheme was never implemented and they went back to the old scheme. Now almost all of the employees got their salary increase but not me. I have asked our HR but they that I have to ask my american boss and when i ask my boss he said that he will just email HR and when i asked HR she said that she did not received any email from him so i asked him again about my salary increase and he said that he will just talked to me later about it. Later on he told me that i will not be entitled of an increase because there were a lot of complaints about me. I asked him like what? and How come i didn't received any memo about it? He also told me that I will have to gundergo another 6 months PIP to check if i will improve my performance which i think is nonsense since I have already been regularized in the first place. I'm hoping that you could help me about my situation.




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3Regularized but denied for salary increase Empty Regularized but denied for salary increase Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:12 am


Arresto Menor

I would like to know if can i file a case against the company for not granting me my salary increase and for putting me again to PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) for another 6 months?



what the law only requires is that laborers be paid minimum wage. do you have a contract which clearly states you are entitled to an increase? if not, your case will be difficult.

As for PIP, you can go to nlrc or Dole and question the basis for putting you on PIP.

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