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How to locate hidden bank accounts during divorce proceeding?

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Arresto Menor

I discovered my husband had another account that he was diverting funds from his employment into as he was preparing to end the marriage. I discovered the difference in money when we filed our taxes. He informed my son things were going to change once we paid off his truck and asked my son to keep the cash they were making at work a secret. I ended up taking copies of his check register and some of his bank statements.

There is absolute proof he has hidden money, several thousands, and as I feared, he wrote several of the checks to his daughter. How do I find this money? I am on disability. I lost everything I had before him, and I have to use my credit cards to afford food, my attorney, medication, doctors and now I am avoiding hospital stays because of money. Please help, I try not to ask my attorney as that is more money I have to charge.

Please, please help me find the money that was marital assets. Or tell me what to do, I am in desperate need of your advise and knowledge. He went through all I had before acquired before our marriage and during which should be split, but stealing is unacceptable let alone once I was injured and disabled, he was done with me while hiding a nice nest egg for himself, getting my home and dragging this divorce on for over 15 months.

Kindest regards,

Tracy Osborn
816-824-3004 pale

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