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Consignment Fee of Unfinished Contract

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1Consignment Fee of Unfinished Contract Empty Consignment Fee of Unfinished Contract Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:15 pm


Arresto Menor

i have a 3 years employment contract due to training. the contract does not include the actual value of training but upon insisting to our HR they said it valued to 150k. nothing in the contract states that if i wasnt able to complete the 3 years i have to pay whether full or diminishing value with my length of stay in the company.

upon talking to HR i have to pay full and they force me to observe six months instead of 1 month. the contract states that within 3 years i should not associate or seek employment to other employee which their competitor

would it be ok to file a resignation for just a period of 1 month notice? in addition im willing to pay the remaining (less the time i served to the actual value of the training) but since they wont accept the remaining can i surrender the remaining amount to a Court as consignment. will the court see the fairness of my payment of the remaining amount?

im seeking employment for a different line business so the 3 years period is not applicable right?

can they file a hold departure order if i leave the country?

thank you



you can search the forum for other threads on bonds.

yes, you can resign for only 1 month notice period. if it's a different line with the new employer, then there's no problem

3Consignment Fee of Unfinished Contract Empty unfinished agreement Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:29 pm


Arresto Menor

need help plss...
I am holding a immigrant visa right now and i have unfinished contract with my company.i dont have any information if the company filed a hold order(poea) for employees in our company to hold employees from AWOL and going outside the country.if i will not file a resignation and i am flying to canada with immigrant visa, thus airport immigration will hold my departure if i they found hold order from poea for contract reason?even if my visa is not for working?
i do need help plss!!
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