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Car insurance claims

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1Car insurance claims Empty Car insurance claims Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:21 am


Arresto Menor

Hi Guys,

I have a questions to ask and am hoping that your opinions would help me. My friend was involved in an accident. He is driving a vehicle owned and registered to the company where my friend is working when he accidentally bumped a tricycle. Since the vehicle is insured, my friend immediately asked the insurance provider to pay for the damages that the tricycle has obtained.

Upon investigation the tricycle was declared "totally wrecked" and the insurance company offered a payment of 43k for the tricycle but the owner refused the offer. The offer was raised to 50k but the owner won't agree still. He is demanding a payment of 65k and due to this, my friend's company told the tricycle owner to file a case instead since he will not accept the offer of the insurance. Based on this situation, I have the following questions:

1. What would be the case that the tricycle owner could use against my friend or the company, given that there is a payment offer for his damaged vehicle?

2. Will the case be filed against my friend or the company who owns the vehicle?

3. If the case would be filed against my friend, will he be arrested and placed behind bars?

These are all the questions I have for now. I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you and more power.

Lia Vazzi

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