I got hired by my employer Dec, 2010 with a base rate of $4.5 per hour, I get paid $3.15 per hour which is 70% of the base rate. This went on until April 13, 2011 when I got a raise of $0.75 per hour, making the base rate $5.25. The agency owner sent me an email that he won't be taking 30% from my new rate anymore. So, I was getting paid $3.90 per hour from April 13 to July 6, 2011. And then I got another raise from my employer on July 6 making the base rate $7.25 per hour. I received an email from the agency owner that I will get $5.25 per hour which went on until September. On Sep. 16, I sent a notice via email that I wil be leaving the agency. the agency owner acknowledged that he got my email and that he can't stop me from leaving. The agency gave me my last pay on Sep. 28 and this is where I need help with. I was expecting to get paid $205.64, however, he took $170.17. In his email, he said that from Jan 12, the agency was only taking 28%, so he comuted for 2% from January 12 to September 17 and deducted it from my last pay without prior notice and without telling me that he'll be charging me the 2% which shouldn't be because he's been getting the full 30% from January to April. I sent him an email with a file attachment showing him how much I am actually paid and a copy of his emails about my raise. I demanded payment within 24-hours but he replied saying he's just taking what's for the agency, no more, no less.
He has other contractors under his agency and he can do the same to them whenever he pleases and he thinks that he can get away with it. I surely hope NOT!