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Possible failure to settle debt within 5 days

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Arresto Menor

hi! just this afternoon i receieved and e-mail from a law firm ng NOTICE OF FINAL DEMAND FOR PAYMENT sa BDO. actually i have 6 credit cards to be exact. but i could only afford to pay 5 of them. not to mention kalahati ng sahod ko napupunta lang sa credit the other half of it is intended for myself cause somehow i have to support myself. hindi ko na nga rin halos masuportahan yung daughter ko. fortunatel yung ama ng anak ko is the one supporting her all her needs. they demand to collect from me a total of P35,250.00 within 5 days. right now i admit wala akong ganung amount yet i have to settle it within 5 days. what are the possibilities that will happen next if i will not be able to pay it? is there any other way to settle it? please help!



Arresto Menor

This might help or solve your problem regarding credit cards ..kindly read it ""



is the 32k your total or partial debt?

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