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Annulment hearing

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1Annulment hearing Empty Annulment hearing Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:46 pm


Arresto Menor

Is it possible to request before the honorable court to make a separate hearing for the termination of marital status to that of the division of assets and debt? Just thinking that in divorce, bifurcation ( a split proceeding in divorce where the marital status can be terminated first )

2Annulment hearing Empty Re: Annulment hearing Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:31 pm



Posible po depende sa diskarte ng abogado ninyo at kung sa tingin ng korte ay makakapagpabilis sa ikakatapos ng kaso pero hindi split proceeding ang mangyayari kundi hearing in the same case then ask for partial judgment and then execution of the final Judgment (partial).

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