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PLEASE I NEED A LEGAL ADVICE, my family are in steak.

2 posters

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Arresto Menor

It's been 4 years na from my old company, failed to pay a credit- inutangan ko ng pera ewan ko kung magkano yon wala akong document na pinirmahan. that was year 2007. ngayon, nagtxt sa akin di nagpapakilala - papatayin daw family ko pag di nabayaran utang ko 80k daw....ano gagawin ko please.



report the matter to the police. suggest that you will meet with the texter to pay downpayment and he can be arrested for threats


Arresto Menor

They wont reply and wont answer my there a way we can track them? I will go to NBI tomorrow, can this help?



that will be a good idea, but the nbi may not have the resources to focus on your case.

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