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my name as father not on my son's birth certificate

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bryan ybañez

Arresto Menor

good day to everyone,

just seeking initial advice on my situation.

i was previously married. while on the process of me and my ex wife's annulment i got somebody (not my wife) pregnant. i was advised not to sign or have my name placed on my son's birth certificate as long as my annulment was still going on. now that i am officially annulled with my ex wife, i would like to have my name and acknowledge my son.

The problem is my son's mother is nowhere to be found. even her family does not know her current location. my son is already 6yrs old and his mother left us while he was still a year old. i have been the one providing for him and caring for him since he was born.all his papers basically are all under my son's mothers surname. both birth certificate and baptismal certificate.

local civil registrar unable to help me because they said i just cant acknowledge that i am the father without the mother being there to witness my acknowledgment. that the mother needs to be there.

please help. i badly want to acknowledge my son. it is one of the decisions in my life that i regret not acknowledging him on his birth certificate. i love my son very much

Thanks in advance and God Bless

desperate father seeking redemption and guidance


Reclusion Perpetua

you have to legally adopt your son.

bryan ybañez

Arresto Menor

is it possible to do so despite being now legally single?..

isnt it that you need to be a couple to legally adopt someone?...

how about the grandfather (mother side)...i communicate with him, can he help in anything?

Thanks very much for your reply. God Bless

bryan ybañez

Arresto Menor



Reclusion Perpetua

regardless if you are single or married, you can adopt your son since your ex already abandoned him. approach DSWD for more information.

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