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Right or wrong?

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1Right or wrong? Empty Right or wrong? Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:00 pm


Arresto Menor


The case is both where in a relationship then got separated, the guy treated the girl well when they are on a relationship but due to some reason they not meant to be and got separated. On the time of separation the girl was so depressed that she want to commit suicide many times but not succeed and after a month the girl suddenly told the guy that she is pregnant and need to support the child.

1. Are both party have the rights to sue each other due to their relationship have ended?
2. On the time that the girl trying to commit suicide is the man have mistake when she die?
3. How many percent for the both parties to support the child, knowing that they also need to support their own family?



2Right or wrong? Empty Re: Right or wrong? Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:52 pm



no immediate rights arise to sue just on the fact that they separated.

if the man was humiliating the girl intentionally, then he can be made liable for RA 9262. he is not liable if she commits suicide.

it depends on the lifestyle and economic standing of the parents.

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