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Adopting husband's illegitimate child

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1Adopting husband's illegitimate child Empty Adopting husband's illegitimate child Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:01 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, I'm 25 y.o. female in a relationship with my boyfriend and we plan to get married this year. He has a 6 y.o. son who's living with him since infancy. He got married to his son's biological mother in a religious rite without marriage contract and after birth they separated and the mother never supported the child since then. The child bears the surname of my boyfriend.

Here are my questions:
1) Will I be considered as first wife after wedding and no need for him to file any papers like annullment before it?
2) Is his son legitimate or illegitimate?
3) I'm earning and my boyfriend resigned from work which means I will be supporting them both. I want to legally adopt his son and be his legal mother so there will be no confusions for the kid's papers when he sign school papers in the future that will regard his personal information including family. I want to know the process. Never seen the biological mother so I'm not sure if we can get consent from her. Although, I heard she does not have a stable job either to be able to support the child.

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