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Filing of Annulment

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1Filing of Annulment Empty Filing of Annulment Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:37 am


Arresto Menor

Hi Sir/Madam,

My boyfriend is filing an Annulment case over his wife where they have been separated for over 5 years due to infidelity of his wife. She has been with another guy and got pregnant unfortunately her love affair didn't go well, so she would like to get my boyfriend back but he refuses.
What are the rights of her over me and my boyfriend? Is she capable to sue us?


2Filing of Annulment Empty Re: Filing of Annulment Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:17 pm



if you are living together , you might be charged with concubinage

3Filing of Annulment Empty Re: Filing of Annulment Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:40 am


Reclusion Perpetua

You cannot claim any legal right over your boyfriend, but his wife would have all legal rights over her husband. Ano man ang nagawa nyang indiscretion noon, that would not affect the fact that she is still the lawfully wedded spouse, maliban na lang kung mapa-annul na ng boyfriend mo yung kasal nilang dalawa.

4Filing of Annulment Empty Legal Advice Fri Jul 13, 2018 11:17 am

Jennelyn Deogracias

Arresto Menor

Good day po,
I am seprated to my ex husband since 2011, we file a complain to women desk same year 2011, kasi po that time tung ex husband ko is walang ginawa kung hindi maginom at awayin ako, na dumating pa po sa point na sinaktan nya na ko at tinutukan nya kami ng knife ng anak ko, Kaya po ning time na yun ay nagpunta kami sa police at sa women desk nagpirmahan kami na d a xa pede lumapit sakin, Ngayon po may sarili na siyang famliy at anak sa bago nyang kinakasama. Malakas po ba ung magging grounds ko for annulment if mag ffile ako, and what grounds po kaya ang pwede? one morething po nakatira kmi sa iisang barangay, may magging problema po kaya dun? sana po mabgyan neo ko ng legal advice. Salamat po.

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