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annulment filing

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1annulment filing Empty annulment filing Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:35 pm


Arresto Menor


I have a friendwho really needs legal advice..
Regarding her ex wife who is now having a baby with different guy.

My friend and the his ex wife have a child but they separated 3yrs ago and have their own life. (Including both have different partners) and the Ex wife is now having a baby with her live in partner..

My friend (boy).. wants to file an annulment and what to gather advises if he have the percentage to won the case.. since his ex wife will have a baby and they want to settle with their own different lives now and finally end the marriage they are holding.

Thankyou so much every answer will be really highly appreciated..

Ps. Also if some atty reading this who can help us file the case.. thankyou..

2annulment filing Empty Re: annulment filing Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:24 am


Reclusion Perpetua

It seem complicated to get annulment. I haven't heared of any who has done it self.

LOCK UP! You can have been registrated as father to THEIR baby, because you are still married.
Were you OFFICIAL separated before she got pregnant? If so, that can peerhaps help.

3annulment filing Empty Re: annulment filing Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:28 am


Arresto Menor

Yes they are official separated i mean not living together. In fact my friend is in dubai.. and the lady is in phil.

4annulment filing Empty Re: annulment filing Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:32 am


Arresto Menor

They are married 2011.. right after 6mons they broke up. they are separated 3yrs now..
My friend is in dubai 2014 ti present. and the lady got pregnant dis year 2015.

my friend wanted to file an annulment because of what had happened.. Ofcourse he will not honor the child its not the father of it.

5annulment filing Empty Re: annulment filing Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:40 am


Reclusion Perpetua

If being married, then the husband is counted as father AUTOMATICLY normaly.
I don't know if REGISTERED separation is an exception.

6annulment filing Empty Re: annulment filing Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:44 am


Arresto Menor

The question is is there any chance for my friend to file annulment since there is a grounds ..

7annulment filing Empty Re: annulment filing Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:06 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

princess25 wrote:The question is is there any chance for my friend to file annulment since there is a grounds ..
I suppouse Yes, because even when there aren't any reason according to the law, some lawyers make up a "reason" Smile to make it go through. But expect it cost much money and take long time Sad

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