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Multiple marriage with a single person

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1Multiple marriage with a single person Empty Multiple marriage with a single person Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:27 am


Arresto Menor

If for instance I marry my fiancee twice?

Which one would be valid and register, the first one or the second one? Are they both valid or just the first one?

2Multiple marriage with a single person Empty Re: Multiple marriage with a single person Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:36 am


Prision Correccional

What kind of marriages are we talking here?
A valid marriage is a valid marriage.
Of course you can be married in a civil court and in the church or the sharia. There are also some people who renew their vows.

in order for us to appreciate your question, please give more details.

3Multiple marriage with a single person Empty Re: Multiple marriage with a single person Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:52 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank you for your response.

For example...

my gf is 24 and I'm 26

we get married without parental advice (which I no longer need). So we just need 2 witnesses right?

After that let us say a year after, we will formally ask for her parents approval so we can submit a parental advice before obtaining a new marriage license.

If we already married after obtaining a marriage license without parental advice(which I believe that we can get it 3 months after we file the application), can we get another marriage license and remarry again using that new marriage license?

we will have 2 marriage contract with 2 different dates or they will no longer issue us a new marriage license since we are already married. please give me your thoughts.




i do not believe you would be able to get a new marriage license. one of the new requirements now is a Certificate of No Marriage; your first marriage will appear.

your second ceremony will be a renewal of vows, but has no legal effect.

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