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Seperation pay

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1Seperation pay  Empty Seperation pay Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:05 am


Arresto Menor

Nag work ako sa isang start up company as sales associate, 7 1/2 months working, no contract, walang sss benifits. last may 26 nagkaroon ng kaguluhan sa office since they were asking us to sign papers (handbook/ conduct policy) that wasnt clear to us, so we didnt sign the papers. when the business owner found out, he immediately informed us that if we dont sign,the company will shut down, so we got alarmed and demand to be paid that day all that is due to us. Then biglang nagbigay ng letter ang company stating that they will shut down due to serious business losses, and sinabi samin ng hr na may makukuha kaming seperation pay which is 1 month of our salary since wala pa kaming 1 yr. but then the company owner emailed us stating na wala kaming makukuhang seperation pay since ang dineclare nilang reason for closure is serious business losses, when the truth is theyre still operating as a business as of now, sinabi lang nila na mag shut down para matanggal kami, so my question is dapat pa ba naming makuha ang seperation pay?

2Seperation pay  Empty Re: Seperation pay Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:11 pm



answered your other post

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