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Bad Business Partner

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1Bad Business Partner Empty Bad Business Partner Sat May 26, 2018 5:12 am

Ittmar Gutierrez

Arresto Menor

My business partner who assumed he'll be doing everything to start our business together turns out to be a liar. I'm sure he is a good guy to his friends, but he practically made me pay 50% share of his proposed business without it ever materializing. I don't know if I still can get my money back from him if it is just the two of us talking.

What I would like to know is what department or agency in the government I can complain about this guy. We see in the news of scammers presented on tv along with the accusers detailing how their money was taken and didn't get what was promised to them. My problem is similar to it, but I'm the lone victim in this partnership. What can the Police do about this situation? Can I go to Pao for a case? This guy has to be stopped from victimizing others. I mutual friend told me that this guy was also asking other acquaintances of his to partner with him in other businesses. I can tell you he is a sweet talker, but a scammer and needed to be stopped. Please advise me how to stop this guy legally without having to go through a shame campaign in social media. Thank you.

2Bad Business Partner Empty Re: Bad Business Partner Wed May 30, 2018 4:03 am


Reclusion Perpetua

If you paid for something without the guy representing anything aside from his promise of proposed business that did not materialize, then I don't believe that you have an estafa case against him (or any other criminal case for that matter). Just file a collection case against him. It may just be a civil case with no imprisonment as penalty, but I believe that it is the remedy legally appropriate for your situation. Also, it's good that you are desisting from doing a shame campaign (and continue desisting from it), because in such case, you may be the ones to be held criminally liable for cyber libel. Remember, truth is NOT a defense in libel. If you expose yourself to possible criminal liability, then you will lose all your leverage in negotiating with him (because he can now get back at you), and your chances of getting your money back will become very very slim.

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