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College Assurance Plan

2 posters

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1College Assurance Plan  Empty College Assurance Plan Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:27 pm


Arresto Menor


Any idea po if there are any ongoing update regarding the reimbursement from CAP .
10 years upon graduation there should be an ROI but since nag declare sila ng insolvency some years ago, pati reimbursement nung uncover years sa school di pa nababalik.
how else can we petition CAP office to pay?
what legal right do we have as an investor of the pre-need plans?

Thank You


2College Assurance Plan  Empty Re: College Assurance Plan Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:59 am


Reclusion Perpetua

You should check with either the SEC or the Insurance Commission with the status of the CAP case. The contact numbers for both offices can be found via a cursory google search.

They are also the ones who are qualified to answer your questions regarding petitions and rights as an investor.

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