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Change of surname

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1Change of surname Empty Change of surname Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:57 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day

I would like to ask regarding procedure on change of surname. A niece of mine had been using her father's surname (Munar) in all school and work documents but in her birth certificate, her surname is the surname of her mother (Lorenzo). How does she go about changing her surname in her birth certificate from Lorenzo (mother's surname) to Munar (father's surname). Her parents are not married. My niece was born 24 Aug 1988.

Kindly advice how to proceed.

Thank you.

2Change of surname Empty Re: Change of surname Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:54 pm



ask the father to execute an affidavit of paternity that he admits he is the father. if that is not possible, it may be easier to ask the school to change their records to match her birth cert

3Change of surname Empty Change of Last Name Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:19 am


Arresto Menor

Good day Attorney,
I just want to seek legal advice regarding my son's last name. I gave birth to him 5 years ago and his father signed the acknowledgement paper on his birth certificate. His father and I are no longer together and I am already married now. What is the best way for me to have his last name changed so it'll be the same with my last name now that I am already married? This change will be done to avoid confusion with my son and his sibling which is already using the same last name as mine.

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