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Contact details for lawyers in Gapan / Cabanatuan / Manila for child custody document processing

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Arresto Menor

HI. I am a foreign national (Not a filipino). I am married to a filipina and we have a 2.5 year old daughter together. Things did not work out so we have seperated and my daughter is living with me in my home country where as her mother is in philippines.

I would like to ask for details of an attorney or a lawyer near to the city of GAPAN or Cabanatuan or max in manila, who could help us in getting appropriate documentation for giving my daughter's legal custody to me. We have agreed that she will give the legal custody of my daughter to me so I can take her with me and file her immigration to go to europe.

Although my daughter has my surname and also my acknowledgement but we got married after she was born therefore she is still illegitimate. (Have to fix this too before we file for annulment, which we plan on doing after the custody letter). As I am a single dad, therefore, everytime i have to travel to any country, i am asked for a consent letter from my wife to take my daughter with me.

Can someone please help me in getting the legal custody documentation. There is no dispute between me and my wife and all the required documents would be easily provided. I would just like to know the requiremetns, how much would it cost and what would the documents need to have if they are to be acceptable internationally?


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