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Falsification of job Application Details

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1Falsification of job Application Details Empty Falsification of job Application Details Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:49 pm


Arresto Menor


I'am ask by my HR to write an NTE (Notice To Explain) regarding Falsification of Job Application Details.

According to Our HR i did not disclosed to them that i was summoned by the a fiscal because of a complain about slight physical injury and act of Lasciviousness.
The reason why i didn't inform them is because of Multiple reason:
1. We didn't had a court hearing
2. We were able to have an agreement with the complainant.
3. An affidavit of Desistance was signed.
4. I was able to get NBI clearance without a hit before.
5. I was able to obtain police clearance without a hit.

and I was in an impression that if the complain was desist it is not totally a case yet, right?

They said that it was a terminable offense and that i should be worried, should I?

Thank you for helping me understand this.

Last edited by blast2dapast on Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


Reclusion Perpetua

Firstly, I think the HR asked you to reply on their NTE and not make an NTE. They required you to answer their NTE and submit an explanation.

Secondly, if a suit instituted against you, even though there are no court hearings, the complainant desisted, no NBI 'hit', with police clearance, it is still a case.

What I would suggest is you answer the NTE and include in your explanation the items that you mentioned and hopefully HR will consider them.

Last edited by HrDude on Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:28 pm; edited 2 times in total

3Falsification of job Application Details Empty Thank you Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:14 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank for your explanation.


Reclusion Perpetua

Was there a question in the job application (or interview) asking if you were charged with any (criminal or civil) offense?

5Falsification of job Application Details Empty Thank you Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:11 pm


Arresto Menor

yes there was.


Reclusion Perpetua

And did you confirm or deny?


Arresto Menor

i answer no - because i was in an impression that i don't have any records.

so I honestly answer no because I really think that I don't.


Arresto Menor

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this explanation to answer the NTE regarding Falsification of Job Application Details.

First and foremost, I am not aware of a case against me exist up to the day that I received a court order Last August 2015.

I had multiple reasons to believe that I did not falsify my application with this company.

I have no intention of hiding or neglecting my responsibility in signing the application that clearly states that I have not been arrested, indicted or summoned into court as a defendant in criminal and/or civil proceeding, or convicted, fined or imprisoned.

 I was able to obtain Multiple times a clear NBI and clear Police clearance up to this year. I was even able to provide copies of my previous NBI clearance as ask by HR.

 We were able to make up and make amends with the complainant before they decide to file a case. The affidavit of Desistance was needed to ensure that the complainant will not pursue filling a case and ask for monetary exchange.

 I did not received any court summon up to August 2015.

 I was hired by a previous company who had background check as well.

 I approached my Supervisor and Manager without ill will to hide the situation.

I am hoping for you generous consideration and understanding for my situation.

I am more that happy to provide full cooperation and any necessary documents to further explain my situation.

Thank you for your understanding and I’m hoping to clarify this concern.


I have this NTE drafted but I havent submitted it to my supervisor - I am hoping to get feedback if the explanation is ok or I need to edit any thing to further explain my case.
Thank you for helping everyone.

9Falsification of job Application Details Empty Pending Hearing Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:54 am


Arresto Menor

Hi Everyone,

Just wandering I was advised that the HR hearing is still pending up to now, and i havent received any schedule for the hearing just yet.
I received a communication that our companies 13th month pay will be within the week.
I was advised that I would not get mine because of the pending HR hearing and I'll need to wait until its finished before i can get it.
Is that correct or is there anything that i can do about it?

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