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presigned contract with wrong details

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1presigned contract with wrong details Empty presigned contract with wrong details Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:25 pm


Arresto Menor

hi guys!

i need some advise but here is my situation first:
i am a project-based employee hired via agency but deployed to work on the client.
i just had two 1month extension contracts, the recent of which ended feb15.
below is the chronology of my situation:

feb13 (friday): my agency advised thru text that i had another extension contract and they will be bringing the contract for signing on feb16 (monday)

feb16 (monday)-feb17(tuesday): i attended the client office but no contract came from my agency

feb18 (wednesday): i did not show up in work in client office due to absence of contract in effect, but at this time, agency texted they are in client office with the contract, i advised for signing on feb20 (friday)

feb19 (thursday): special nonworking holiday (Chinese new year)

feb20 (wednesday): i requested to have the start date of my contract moved into feb23 (monday)

feb23 (monday): agency came with contract but contract start date is still feb16. agency personnel said i just sign said contract and they will bring another contract with the correct start date. i signed. please note: contract only has my signature but none of the personnel on their side

feb24 (tuesday): i followedup on the contract and i was advised the feb23 start date was approved. i demanded the contract to be brought to me for signing

feb25 (wednesday): contract did not arrive.

feb26 (thursday): i did not report in client, again under knowledge that there is no current contract in effect. agency advised they'll be bringing the contract the next day. that night, i came across a web news and resolved to push for a revision on the contract offer the next day.

feb27 (friday): agency brings the feb23 contract. i asked for all the voided copies of the feb16 contract and personnel says "wala na yun". i stated my expectations and sought further revisions in the feb23 contract. agency personnel present stated that my request for revision would highly be unlikely to be granted

as of feb27 afternoon, the agency has not yet come up with a more agreeable offer that i informed the client i would have to proceed with the turnover the soonest on March2 (monday). however, the agency kept texting me if i will no longer push for the feb16 contract.

as per communication with the client, they too expect my contract until march15 (that is, 1month from the feb16 contract)

the agency kept tabs on when i'll show up to the client for the turnover, but also with one-time verification if i should no longer push with the feb16 contract.

my concerns now are here:
- am i bound to fulfill the feb16 contract even if i signed it under their advise that they will be bringing the contract with the correct date for my signing?
- as of feb27, the agency personnel advised me na "wala na" (i.e., the feb16 contract) and afterwards they kept verifying if i'd like to honor it. is there a way i can claim the feb16 contract was voided, and that my signature is misused to bind me to the terms of the feb16 contract?

please advise.
i'll be attending the client office tomorrow and i got a feeling that the agency will use the opportunity to present me with an effective feb16 contract.

thank you in advance

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